From the professional
Landscape professionals choose products they can depend on, those that will ensure a successful project and satisfied clients. Harvest Blend Compost, certified by the US Composting Council’s Seal of Testing Assurance (STA), is the best, most economical soil amendment available, an important component in almost every landscape project.
Compost has been viewed as a valuable soil amendment for centuries
Most people are aware that the use of compost is an effective way to improve plant growth. Compost-enriched soil can also reduce erosion, alleviate soil compaction, and help control disease and pest infestation in plants. These beneficial uses of compost can increase healthy plant production, help save money, reduce the use of chemical fertilizers, and conserve natural resources.
Compost used for a specific purpose or with a particular soil type works best when it is tailor-made or specially designed. For example, compost that is intended to prevent erosion might not provide the best results when used to alleviate soil compaction, and vice versa.
Technical parameters to consider when customizing a compost mixture include maturity, stability, pH level, density, particle size, moisture, salinity, and organic content, all of which Engel & Gray specialists can adjust to fit a specific application and soil type
A specific blend of a combination of washed concrete sand and mature STA certified compost. The organic filter is a compost-based soil designed to remove pollutants through infiltration and plant absorption. The primary goal of the soil is to filter out petroleum-based products, heavy metals and other unwanted materials from storm water while promoting robust plant growth to further remove pollutants.
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