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Our Compost & Garden Fair will be happening on May 11th, 2024 from 10am-1pm.
In cooperation with the Santa Maria Utilities Department
Receive a free kitchen pail, children’s book about composting, reusable utensils, crayons and pamphlets about how Santa Maria is teaming with the community to keep clean.
Learn about the Composting Process
Experience the journey that organic matter undergoes from start to finish as we show you just how we create our Harvest Blend Compost.
Examples of tomato leaves, grape pomace, stall shavings, strawberry plants & green waste are just a few.
Discover the power of Reducing, Reusing and Recycling
Complimentary hats, a scavenger hunt, music and information to increase your little ones knowledge about the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics of the composting process.
Games, Activities and Fun!
Enjoy a variety of games at out Compost & Garden Fair such as cornhole, balloons, coloring stations, photo opportunities, mini tractors and wagons, and a chance for the kids to sit in a front loader!
Compost Usage
An example of compost usage for your space! Beginning with Bare Dirt, Amended Soil, Grass, and Top Soil.
Mike Robe
Our mascot we call Mike Robe. A symbol showcasing the importance of microbes when considering the composting process.
Composting Station
Our transplant station allows guests to create their own soil perfect for a transplant. This means measuring out soil, dirt, and compost.